All pages
- AHC’s Revenge. A Story of the Australian Gold Diggings.
- A Story of the Firelight
- Abracadabra
- Advance Australia
- Adventure in a Deserted Mine, An
- Adventures of Sambo and Pompey. A Story of African Adventure, The
- After Long Years. A Colonial Story
- Alan Hurst. A Tale of the Diggings
- Alice's Resolve; or, an Escape From Mormon Thraldom
- All for Gold. A Story of the Wyalong Rush
- Alma. An Original Australian Story
- An Old Chum's Experiences of the Early Days
- At Squatter's Gulch
- At the Sign of the Silver Flagon
- Australia
- Australian Bush Track, An
- Australian Bushranging
- Australian Elves. Pascoe the Nugget
- Australian Elves. Wonderland
- Australian Fairy Tales: Three Sparrows
- Australian Galatea. A Story of Exploration and Strange Discovery, An
- Australian Tales and Adventures: My Hero
- Australian Tales and Adventures No. 12: A Race for Life
- Australian Tales and Adventures No. 15: A Strange Story
- Australian Tales and Adventures No. 2: Gold
- Australian Tales and Adventures No. 4: Colonial Experience
- Australian Tales and Adventures No. 5: Nell Bryce
- Australian Tales and Adventures no. 7: Our Jess
- Awakening of John Carson, The
- Battle of the Buckland, The
- Beachcombers Or Slave Trading Under the Union Jack, The
- Betrayal of John Fordham, The
- Better Than Gold
- Big Nugget. A New Zealand Story in Two Chapters, The
- Billycan of Gold. A Christmas, The
- Blood White Rose, The
- Blue Gum Among Debbil-Debbil
- Bob Blizzard in Africa. His Shipwreck and Adventures
- Bob Wycherley's Dream: An Australian Christmas
- Bonanza Queen. A Tale of a Boom, The
- Boomerang and Bushranger. A Tale of the Early Digging Days
- Boonarga, or The Hidden Valley
- Bride' of the Mountain
- Broken Clouds: An Original Australian Tale
- Bronze Chalice. An Australian Tale, The
- Brothers. A Christmas Tale, The
- Brownebrook. A Story of Colonial Life
- Buck Jones's Training. A Story in Sixteen Chapters
- Buried in the Sea; or, the Ups and Downs of Ben Bruce
- Burra Mine, The
- Bushranger, The
- Captain East Gray
- Carlton's luck; or a Maid of Omeo: A Story of the Mines
- Case of Dynamite, A
- Charley Birrell
- Charlie Thornton. A New Australian Novel
- Christmas Angel, A
- Christmas Day in Silver Gully
- Christmas Reef; Or The Fortunes of Tom and Sandy, The
- Chronicles of Waitahoolish
- Colonial Maiden: A Story of Lake Wakatipu, A
- Comrades, For Weal or Woe. A Story of the WA Goldfields
- Coomina, The Golden Valley
- Cooroora
- Cross of Kilbawn, A Christmas, The
- Curse of Castle Raven, The
- Daly’s Nugget
- Dan Lyon's Doom
- Dark or Fair' A Story of Town and Country
- Days of Crime and Years of Suffering. An Autobiography
- Deserted Gold-Field, The
- Diamond Hunter: An Australian Story, The
- Diamond of Glen Rock, The
- Diamonds and Death: A Doctor's Story
- Dick Carew's Reef
- Digger's Christmas, A
- Digger's Duff, The
- Diggers' Doggerel: Poems of the Veldt and Mine
- Dividing Mates
- Dora Dunbar
- Double Game. A Romance of the Gold Fever, A
- Eaglehawk Glen' A Tale of Adventure in the Days of the Gold Diggings
- Early Days of the Victorian Goldfields, The
- Edith the Captain's Daughter. A Romance from Real Life in Days of Gold
- Eustace Egremont
- Evangeline
- Experiences of a Gold Digger in the Early Fifties
- Faith's Faith
- Fatal Treasure. A Story of the Black Forest, The
- First Nugget, The
- For Thirst of Gold
- Fortune's Freaks. An Original Australian Story
- Fossicker's Fate, The
- Friends of Bunyip Hollow. A Tale of the Early Gold Days, The
- From Desk to Diggings, Or A Golden Christmas
- Fugitive Sinners: A Story of Bushranger Frank Gardiner's Escape from his Gang and the Police, and of Remarkable Adventures in Company with a Lady.
- Full Compensation: A Tale of Two Hemispheres
- Furnace foe Gold: A Tale of a Mining Community, The
- Gabriel Lobo; or, The Legend of Trodd's Flat. A Story of the Diggings
- Gathering gold
- Gentleman Joe. A Story of the Diggings
- Ghostly Digger, The
- God Bless our Rising Youth
- Gold-Quest: A Christmas Tale of the Early Digging Days
- Gold-Seeker's Adventure. Afloat in a Death Ship, A
- Gold-Seekers. A Story of New Zealand and South Africa
- Gold Digger's Career, A
- Gold Fever, The
- Gold Field Stakes, The
- Gold Fisher, The
- Gold Miner of the Fifties, A
- Gold Nugget, A
- Gold Seekers, The
- Gold Stealers: A Story of Waddy, The
- Gold Thirst: A Queensland Tale of Adventure
- Gold Worshippers, The
- Gold and War
- Gold at Mathinna
- Golden Chain. A Mysterious Relic of Savage Africa (Sequel to Gold-Seekers), The
- Golden Cloud: A Christmas Story for Young People
- Golden Cloud: A Christmas for Young People
- Golden Crown, The
- Golden Gifts
- Golden Idol. A Story of Adventure, The
- Golden Jemmy
- Golden Yankee. A Tale of Life and Adventure on the Diggings in the Early Days, The
- Gray Dawn Reef, The
- Great Boer Conspiracy, The
- Great Golconda Mine, The
- Great Koo-Wee-Rup-Swamp-Wild-Cat-Diamond-From-Mud-Extraction Mystery, The
- Grit: A story of past and present; of Ordinary men and Ordinary things, in Ordinary language
- Gumtree Fairy, The
- Hamlet and the Gold Diggers
- Hawksnest: A Love Story
- He and She. A Colonial Story
- His Reward
- His Wretched Luck: A Story of the Discovery of a Mine
- Holiday Adventure, A
- Honest Thief. Tale of Queensland Diggings, An
- Honor's Faith. A Christmas
- How Jake Saved the Guns. An Incident of the Johannesburg Rising
- Hunt for a Goldmine: A Lunatic's Christmas Ramble in the Land of Tasman, A
- Hunted-Down; or the Clink of Gold
- In Bushranging Days. His First and Last Exploit. A Dramatic Bail-up
- In Quest of Gold, Or, The Wisdom of Ben Hassan. A Tale of Adventure in West Australia
- In Solitudes Wild
- In This Thy Day
- In the Folds of the Serpent
- In the Wake of Fortune. An Australian Story
- Investing in Uncle Ben's Legacy: A Tale of Mining and Matrimonial Speculations
- Invocation to a Wind
- Irish Jig. Bob Bentley's Story, The
- Isla!
- Jack. A Christmas
- Jeff's Adventure
- John Vane: Bushranger
- Johnny's Adventures (No 2)
- Knaves of Diamonds
- Life and Adventures of Christopher Congleton, The
- Lilies of Forgiveness, The
- Lindsay O' the Dale, A
- Little Georgie's Grandpa
- Long Lane that had a Turning. A New Year’s Gift for Tom Tinkler. An Australian Gold Fields Story
- Looking Forward and Backward
- Lost Earl of Ellan, The
- Love's Apparitions. A True Anglo-Australian Story
- Lucky Blunder, A
- Lynette's Luck
- Main Page
- Maoriland Ho! Nature's Enchanting Wonder Isle: A Weird and Entrancing Romance
- Margaret Leigh: An Australian Story
- Marian Gonisby
- Marie
- Mark Brown's Wife. A Tale of the Gold-fields
- Martin Deveril's Diamond
- Mary Helena Fortune
- Match Box. A Story of the Australian Goldfields in Three Chapters, The
- Maunga-Ahi. The Legend of a Lost Mine
- Memory that Came Back: Trail that Led to a Long Lost Pot of Gold
- Mickey Mulachy's Wake
- Millionaire for Five Minutes, A
- Miner's Child, The
- Miner’s Right. A Tale of the Australian Goldfields, A
- Mining Tale. A Story of the Solferino Diggings, A
- Moanataiairi Gold; or Lucy Bentley's Lover
- Mochtz, or How Teetulpa Saved Them
- Monster Diamond. A Tale of the Penal Colony of West Australia, The
- Moondyne. The Gold Mine of the Vasse
- Mountain Mystery. Or, The Stone of the Sacred Death, The
- My Campaign in the Trans-Vaal
- Naraponga
- Nelson
- New Lamps for Old Ones
- Night Fossikers, The
- Nulingee: An Australian Tale of Bush and Diggings
- Ode: To Victoria Greeting, An
- Off the Track: A Tale of the Australian Goldfields
- Old Convict Days in Australia
- Old Convict Times to Gold Digging Days: Complete History of Australian Life for 50 Years
- Old Gully Diggings, The
- On a Summer Day. A New Zealand Story in Three Chapters
- On the Dark Continent. Down the Gold and West Coast of Africa
- On the Yackandandah Track. A Tale of the Early Days
- One Christmas Morn
- One Year
- Oorooloo
- Ooroopanta
- Our Harry. A Tale of the Diggings
- Our Uncle's Money
- Overseer at Cooinda, The
- Philiberta. An Australian Tale
- Piwi, Daughter of Taranai, Chief of Koros
- Pot of Gold, The
- Power of Gold, The
- Price of a Life, The
- Prodigal of Glencourt: A Romance of Maoriland, The
- Prospector Bill
- Rand Digger, The
- Red River Gully
- Reminiscences of the Goldfields
- Romance of Lake Wakatipu. A Legend of the Lakes, A
- Romance of the Camp, A
- Round the Campfire' A Gold Digging Adventure
- Sacred Nugget, A
- Secret of Whitmore Chase. A Tale of England and Australia, The
- Set in a Silver Sea
- Shadow of Hilton Fernbrook, or, Fernbrook's Double, A Romance of Maoriland, The
- Shadows on the Snow: A Christmas
- Silver Sea Grange, or the Black Lion Mine
- Slip Between Two Oceans; Or, The Wreck of the Promised Land. A Tale of a Melbourne Bank Fraud, A
- Song of Australia, A
- Song of the Gold Diggers
- Song of the Pick. Or the Wail of the Digger, The
- Spencer's Christmas Diamond
- Stolen Diamond. A Tale of Cape Colony, The
- Story of Long Ago, A
- Story of Noti and the Sage, The
- Story of the Three Sons, The
- Strange Career and a Bright Christmas, A
- Strange Story of a Dead Man's Gold, A
- Strangers Yet
- Sunday Morning Hill
- Supplejack. A Story of New Zealand
- Swear Not at All: A Christmas
- Tale of Timber Town, The
- Tale of Two Lives, A
- Tale of the Gold Diggings, A
- Tale of the Goldfields, A
- The Exile
- The Golden Butterfly
- The Muff of St. Martin. Why the mayfield Scholarship was Lost
- The Windandra
- Thompson's Claim
- Three Christmas Gifts
- Three Kalgoorlie Miners. A Christmas Tale Founded on Fact
- Three Little Maids
- Tom Hungerford: A Story of the Early Days of the Otago Goldfields
- Tom Strang's Mate
- Ton of Gold! Or, the Narrative of Edward Crewe. A Tale of Local Interest, A
- Tracked Down
- True to the Last! Or Aunt Milly's Christmas Box. An Australian Christmas
- True to the Last. A Story Founded on Facts
- Turn of the Luck, The
- Two Christmas Crosses
- Two Christmas Days
- Unattributed
- Unlucky Rae
- Valley of the Shadow, The
- Vengeance is Mine
- Verses' (Written for the Children's Corner)
- Virginny Lily. A Romance of Land and Sea
- Wealth of the West, The
- Web of the Spider. A Tale of Adventure in the Maori War, The
- Weedon’s Folly; Or, The Big Find of Gold at Lodore
- Who Stole the Nugget? Our Midnight Run With the Thief
- Wongawarra
- Wreath of Lilies: A Christmas
- Wyreema
- Yo-Yo. A Legend of the Lachlan District, The